About Us

Marty Curran

Marty Curran – Owner

I started this journey as a way to improve my own health but fell in love with the process and decided to share it with friends, family and pretty much anyone else who would listen. This led to the creation of Cheyenne Barbell and I have been training everyone from seniors to competitive powerlifters/strengthlifters for the last 4 years.

My primary focus is on Strength and Conditioning for general health and using my knowledge of the physiological and anthropometrical science behind strength to help my clients lead a more active life while improving their overall health and ability to interact with the world around them. Competition is what I use primarily to push my own training and that success drove me to start training competitive athletes as well.

- United States Powerlifting Association Certified Powerlifting Coach Practitioner
- Precision Nutrition PN1
- National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer

- 2019 USSF Omaha Strengthlifting Challenge Masters Champion
- 2019 USPA Wyoming State Powerlifting 125Kg Masters Champion
- 2020 USPA Wyoming State Powerlifting 125Kg Masters Champion
- 2020 USPA Wyoming State Powerlifting Masters Best Lifter
- 2019-2020 USPA 125Kg (50-54) Powerlifting Total Record Holder
- 2021 USPA Wyoming State Championships 2nd Place 125Kg 50-54
- 2022 IPL North American Championships 1st Place 125Kg 55-59
- 2022 IPL North American Championships Best Lifter Masters Deadlift

We Are Ready to Help You Perfect Your Fitness!

At Cheyenne Barbell, we follow the moment-based model (popularized by Starting Strength) for building strength which is a focus on barbell-based loaded movements rather than isolated exercises. For the general strength trainee, this leads to improved balance, flexibility and control while they get stronger. It also translates well to competitive athletes because it keeps joints in better equilibrium, significantly reduces the chance for injury and produces exceptional strength across a full range of motion.

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Military and first responder discounts are available